Monday, September 14, 2009

Prostatitis - Your Reality

Prostatitis today for representatives of the stronger sex is an issue very relevant and urgent. Being a male in fact the most common urological disease in the world, prostatitis often occurs in men in a latent form, only later begins to manifest itself, resulting in a considerable number of cases of male infertility and impotence.

It would seem that medical scientists have come to a unanimous conclusion on the fact that the main and sole cause of prostate diseases is in fact an infection that spread to the prostate of men. However, things are a little different, except in limited cases, confirming the "official" theory. That is, in other words, prostatitis can "earn" is not due to infection of the prostate gland.

Doctors distinguish mainly 2 forms of the disease: acute and chronic forms of the disease prostatitis. More detail on the first case. It is known that acute diseases of the prostate, usually is caused by the actions of various microorganisms, particularly E. coli. Therefore, if we are talking about the acute form of prostate, there is, of course, the disease occurs due to infection. There are cases when infection is infected urine, which then penetrated the ducts of prostate gland (prostate), thus infecting the prostate, causing various disturbances of sexual function and contributing to the emergence of prostate diseases.

In the case of infected urine, it is compounded by even more, because the urine through their actions cause severe irritation and increases the formation of mucus, so prostatitis takes an acute form which occurs in men is very painful. This situation occurs in the case of chronic prostatitis which has arisen due to bacterial action. What are the symptoms of an acute form of prostate diseases: first, a man experiencing severe pain in the perineum, rectum, lumbosacral region may also be subjected to severe pain.

Second important reason for which we can determine prostatitis - difficulty and (or) painful urination and painful discharge of semen during sexual intercourse, in addition, there is a high body temperature, along with the above characteristics is indicative of an acute form of prostate disease.

As mentioned earlier in this article, despite the scientifically proven fact about the nature of the bacterial diseases of prostate, for the most part, the bacteria can not "penetrate" the prostate gland, unless it is literally changed. What does this mean? The explanation is simple: usually virtually any male - 40 years before and after - during the life of the prostate varies by lifestyle: Basically due to sedentary lifestyles (eg, sedentary work at a computer or work with machine at work) is the stagnation of blood in the veins, and as a consequence - the stagnation of fluids in the prostate.

And already then, the bacteria begin to "connect" in order to play a role: the young men under the age of 40 years, most often a disease called prostatitis due to sexually transmitted causes: ureaplasma, chlamydia, Trichomonas, etc. These bacteria act as pathogens as sexually transmitted diseases and in this case, the prostate. Speaking of the men stepped milestone of forty years, there's already things are a little different: it is also all over the "guilt" of the bacteria, but not the venereal nature (unless of course, the man "picked up" this kind of infection), and the most common bacterial organisms that are present in our body is always (!), but because after forty years, is undergoing a significant weakening of the immunity, then in this scenario and there is so unenviable situation.

What conclusion can be drawn from the entire expressed above and written? The conclusion is simple: take care of yourself, try to listen to their health, not to mention the typical "male" health, ie high male potency, absence of prostate diseases, etc. All of course is clear and very clear, but the question arises: how to be able to do it all, especially if the rhythm of life always leads to violate the prescribed healthy living and installation instructions? And again the answer is easy and understandable: it is crucial to seek medical attention andrologist, who always listen carefully to you, will give the necessary advice and recommendations which follow will be much easier.

We are accustomed to their daily lives, and when it comes to setting their own goals, especially if it's about self-management and healthy lifestyles, we often simply unable to control himself in this regard. Speaking on the topic: Who does not like vrach-androlog/urolog able to monitor the health of the male patient, besides helping to improve and his whole life. After all, for any of men who have prostate, is not a secret that prostatitis affects practically all aspects of life, causing a sea of uncomfortable feelings and creating an incredible amount of psychological complexes.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that every man for his protection, and constant self-confidence and further their future periodic visits to the doctor's office, andrologist, in addition, once a year to pass a full scan of "male system, thus providing a comfortable relationship with the world and confidence on 100% of its irresistibility and healthy future.

Often men just shy pay a visit to the urologist / andrologist because of their own psychological barriers delaying disease prostatitis up to unpleasant consequences. It will be useful for a man when his close friends and family (wife, parents, brothers, sisters, friends) will be able to persuade to come for a visit to the doctor and continue to attend urological office, not at all experiencing negative emotions and painful internal barriers. Yes, it's sometimes so difficult to accept as truth, but you should understand that time is not only cured the disease prostatitis only aggravate the situation of its progressive and permanent effect, because it is essential understanding on the part of relatives, particularly women, who care about future sexual life with her favorite man.

So, ladies and gentlemen, and very much loved ladies men, take all vyshenapisannogo note and do everything necessary to ensure the disease prostatitis forever receded when she suddenly caught up with the "second heart" of men, and if you men think you are all in order, just in case go through the diagnosis and sign up yet to see a doctor for preventive purposes.

Finally, briefly describe the methods and principles of treatment of prostatitis: in the case took an acute form of prostatitis usually prescribe an antibacterial treatment. In the chronic form of prostate treatment methods for taking a more proactive approach: along with the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs used prostate massage his fingers and some other pharmaceutical drugs.
Rx Ohio

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