Monday, November 23, 2009

Safe sex

Needless to say, sex - a fascinating exercise, but to get real pleasure from sex, you forget about everything and not think about anything other than the partner. However, this is not possible for all women - because they have to think well and to not get pregnant. To be prepared for spontaneous sex, be careful about contraception, because it is one of the integral features of modern dynamic life.

Fortunately, today women are endowed with freedom, which has a century ago could only dream of - the right to choose the child's father, to plan a pregnancy or prevent it. Therefore, it is important to choose means of contraception.

If your partner is ready to share with you the difficulties of this choice and help to cope with it - bravo! This is a mature and responsible decision. Nevertheless, one should not wait until the first man touched the issue - you alone are responsible for your own body, so no need for him to shift the blame for the lack of initiative. Hopefully, this brief overview of modern contraceptives will help you protect yourself and ... do not waste time!

Hormonal contraceptive pills (The "Pill")

Hormonal contraceptive pill (for which in English literature, even stuck the name «The pill») appeared in the 1960's, and the first to give them their due generation bebibuma (which may belong to and your parents). They first got legal access to oral contraceptives. The principle of operation is based on changing levels of progesterone and estrogen and the prevention of ovulation. If you do not ovulate (ie transcending the female egg from exploding Graafova bubble and penetration into the uterus through the fallopian tube), a woman can not become pregnant. The pill also reduces menstrual pain and cramps and eliminate the manifestations of APC.


Intrauterine device - the T-shaped flexible device is introduced into the uterine cavity and ensures long contraceptive effect. IUD prevents the egg and sperm connection, slows the movement of the egg in the uterine cavity and affect the ability of sperm to pass through the uterine cavity. Navy left in the uterus for a period of 5 to 12 years.

Condoms and contraceptive sponges

Everyone knows what a condom, as well known pathological dislike of men to this method of contraception. According to men, a condom reduces sensation. Nonetheless, condoms - in contrast to the hormone pills, IUDs and other contraceptive methods - not only prevent pregnancy but also AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Contraceptive sponge pads are kind of round shape, with the deepening of the side adjacent to the cervix, and polyester loop for extracting sponges - on the opposite side. Contraceptive sponge holds sperm, preventing it from falling into the canal of the cervix, and also provides spermicidal substance. Sponges can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Injectable contraceptives and kontratseptivnyplastyr

The most popular of this type of contraceptive - Depo-Provera. He introduced every 12 weeks. Effects of Depo-Provera is based on the prevention of ovulation. This tool is suitable for women who forget to take a pill every day, but Depo-Provera is not recommended to use more than 2 years. The contraceptive patch (eg, Ortho Evra) just stick to the skin (on the buttocks, abdomen or arm at the shoulder), change once a week for three weeks, and then do one week break. This is a contraceptive and prevents ovulation. If the patch (invisible to you) come off, or it expires, a woman can get pregnant.

Male contraception

In fact, one can not blame the man in that he refuses to make vasectomy - surgical procedure for excision of the vas deferens. In fact, male fertility control is more complicated than the female. Women are fertile only a few days a month, and the body of a healthy mature male produces sperm 24 hours a day, about a half billion sperm per day! In 2001 in Europe, began a study on the establishment of hormone pills for men, significantly reduces the production of sperm. The results of this large-scale work to appear today or tomorrow ... keep fists!


Extreme contraception - abstinence, which means NO SEX. Previously, the conservative political climate and the strict religious views forced many women to choose precisely this (the most reliable!) Tool - but only until marriage. If you are considering this option, make sure that you are able to resist peer pressure and know how to satisfy natural sexual needs.

Knowledge - force!

If you have a younger brother or sister, do not hesitate to tell them everything you know about contraception, or may be too late. Agree, it is easier to discuss such a delicate subject with a brother or sister, than their parents.

P.S. It is important to remember that contraception except condoms only protect against pregnancy, and does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Super-sex with his wife

Brothers in mind! I appeal to you. That is to men. Many of you are married. Married a long time and has, apparently, forever. And many of them have the same problem - sex. Wife does not want to deal with you having sex as often as you want? She permanent headaches, sleep, critical days ...

It is cold in bed, shows no initiative, evades the marital debt? How vile!

Undoubtedly, this is a consequence of its bitchiness nature. And what can we do? How to change the situation, to make this "Snow Queen" in the hot things, lascivious nymph, insatiable slag? Very simply, I tell you. You just use a little creative techniques, which I will discuss below. Women are complex, unknown and unknowable. But! She has several unconditioned reflexes, using which, it is quite easy to manipulate.
Do not believe the vile concoctions that you shoved every now and then in the form of well-designed book titled "How to make sex interesting after 25 years of adultery," or "35 ways to regain the passion marital sex." Full messy, I tell you.

Do not follow the advice of a failure, who write these books. This, at least, stupid and wasteful and sometimes dangerous. For example, the board bring their righteous bunch of flowers, to reduce it to a restaurant, and then, fixing a flat candles to read her poems, a provocation. Apart from the fact that this event will definitely undermine your family budget, it can cause a completely inadequate response from a surprised wife, and often fire.

Spit on the back of these theorists, soaring in the clouds. Return to the sinful earth. I offer you the easiest, and not least, the cheapest way to persuade the wife to unbridled sex. We need only perform a few simple steps. They all fit into the traditional sexual techniques. Namely, the preparation - the prelude - the culmination. Masterfully executed the first two steps reduce the third to a mere formality. So focus on them.

1. In the morning (yes! Prepare sleds must summer) note, like wearing your wife. It is possible that her coldness in the last three days due to your indifference to her new suit, which so effectively emphasizes its dignity, and quietly hides flaws. Shouts of "O. ..! Where does this kick-ass skirt? "Is not always appropriate, since it is possible that this is not completely skirt, a dress, bought 3 years ago on sale. Best neutral, "You look so impressive in this ... uh ... clothes. If your spouse did not take this as a subtle insult, it is safe to move on.

2. Go to the wife, and kissed her in the neck, say: "you have such a nice parrot, I can not wait for the evening, I was excited." Warn you that you should not do this at a time when it had in the hands of dangerous items such as hot ployki, full kettle or a hot iron. Caught unawares, she can commit inappropriate actions. Especially, if she had not heard anything from you except for foul language.

3. For lunch, suddenly, and seemingly as an afterthought, wash the MSRP. It is possible that this will cause suspicion. Be ready. On the question "what have you done?" Should be answered in a charming smile, and on demand "as well, Dykhne!" To draw in air.

4. In the evening come a little earlier and made debris. Where is it better to find out in advance. Typically, in the kitchen under the sink. If there is no debris, it is someone made. Do not despair, go to step 5.

5. Prepare dinner. It sounds ominous, I agree, but do not perceive everything so literally. On the way home, buy a pizza, half-finished. Carefully read the instructions. When his wife entered the house and stopped in his tracks, casually ask her: "Darling, you love with a crust?" Be vigilant, possible fainting.

6. Usually at this stage particularly sensitive women reach orgasm first. The rest, as a rule, are already close to this. Then all is not so difficult. Need to change your favorite socks to clean, and sprinkle with a little cologne. Yes! will shrink into a fist, and sprinkle. Outside. 'll Have to make this sacrifice. That's right.

7. The most difficult part. View its righteous Evening Seri. Remember that for this you shall be rewarded. Suffers. Try not to let malicious, and not laughing out loud at a particularly dramatic places. And nobody said that it would be easy! Some help reading mantras with their eyes closed. I do not know, do not try. But it must go ...

8. Properly preparing a prelude completed. The finishing touch could be the phrase: "do not wear panties today, they do not need you. And if after all that your little wife does not pounce on you like a hungry lioness, then ... then you're not married! What is its undoubted advantages.

Good luck!

Why do we need sex?

Why we have sex? You think the answer is obvious - to get an orgasm. Or for procreation. However, fewer people are actively involved in more sex, driven with these motivations. Most progressive people already use sex as the most pleasant and available remedy by
weight problems!

1. You have a permanent depression, and all around monstrously annoying.

So, during sex mood markedly improved. In addition to purely psychological satisfaction in the process of sexual intercourse in the human body releases a hormone endorphin, responsible for good mood and positive perception of the world. And some researchers argue that improved mood associated with a change in hormonal status of the organism due to activation of certain brain centers. Oh, of barely uttered! In fact, everything is simple: quality sex produces a spiritually elevating effect on the chemical level - and for that you do not need any additional efforts. Truly "relax and enjoy."

2. Have you ever something hurts.

Next to the bed feats - to reduce sensitivity to pain! Prior to orgasm in human blood is ejected from the mysterious hormone called oxytocin, which are formed under the influence of painkilling endorphins - natural analogues of morphine. A female sex, and does helps produce estrogens, which suppress pain associated with premenstrual syndrome. So the sex - the best pain reliever.

3. You are dissatisfied with their weight, constantly sitting on diets, but this does not help you lose weight.

Bed - this is the best exercise equipment ever invented by mankind! In an excited person, the pulse rate increases from 70 to 150 beats per minute - this is like a weightlifter while lifting weights. Only one sexual intercourse burns about the same calories as running 15 minutes at a good pace on a treadmill - at how much nicer the first second! Well arithmetic example "for dessert": over 30 minutes of sex burns 200 calories. That is, while having sex once a day, help you lose a pound of weight per week! A month? ..

4. You regularly picks up all kinds of viruses.

Strengthen your immune system with the help of sex! In the blood of people who do it regularly, contains 30 percent more antibodies than the supporters of abstinence. Therefore, sexually active ladies and gentlemen, much less pick up the flu, colds and other infectious diseases. With regard to diseases that are caught up in another way - the answer is obvious: a condom, a condom and a condom again. Not in the sense, of course, to put three things at once, but in the sense not to forget to buy! Fortunately sold these super-needed stuff everywhere - even in the pharmacy, at least at the box office in supermarkets.

5. You are not satisfied with the size of your breasts.

Unbelievable but true: exercise regularly having sex increases breast! The fact is that during arousal increases blood flow and chest can "grow" by 25 percent!

6. Your memory brings you often, you do not assimilate information.

In this too hard to believe, but every woman's orgasm ... increase your IQ! American scientists, constantly exploring sexual possibilities of homo sapiens, discovered: during orgasm blood circulation in the body occurs at the maximum speed limit and oxygenated blood rapidly reaches all the organs including the brain. A control center hormonal system - the hypothalamus - controls the work centers of memory and learning. So male and female students during the sessions is to engage not only rote.

7. You are suffering from insomnia.

And how sweet to fall asleep after orgasm, yes? All because of growing at the level of sex hormone oxytocin has a very calming effect and is a perfect natural soporific.

8. You are not satisfied with the skin tone the body.

So for what it was? During sex train almost all muscle groups. A particularly important to women such as the muscles of the pelvis, hips, buttocks, stomach and arms. In addition, during sexual intercourse in the blood is thrown hormone testosterone positively influences on the locomotor apparatus. Another regular lessons sex improves posture. 20 minutes of sex equal to a half-hour morning exercises. So, if you are, in principle, thin, but can not get rid of the hated tummy, you now know what to do.

9. You horror to discover additional signs of aging on your face.

With regular sex in the body increases the content of collagen is important for women, who, as we know, makes the skin smooth and silky. And produced by the body during sex progesterone relieves a person from acne. For the same studies in the U.S., couples who love each at least 3 times a week, after 30 years, always look for two or three years younger than their peers who practice abstinence.

10. You are constantly dissatisfied.

Any long-legged beauty, especially younger than you, cause you calm irritation, and photos of models in magazines spoil your entire day ... Only passionate sex can save you from this infirmity. When desired a man tells you that you have the most beautiful woman on earth, and proves that case, you can finally stop thinking about how many extra inches girded your waist, or that the priest is not so elastic, as in the past. When you want a man, much easier to accept and love myself!