A few days ago my husband had a serious conversation. We were deciding whether to give our child in kindergarten. The children were one year old, and we must decide, for a kindergarten child should be prepared in advance, and now is the time that kids are enrolled in kindergarten at birth.
At that time, as I led the arguments in favor of kindergarten, her husband recounted the disadvantages.
Pluses kindergarten
In the kindergarten the child quickly learns to independently eat, drink, go to the toilet, dressing. It was in kindergarten, children are taught to dance, draw, read poems and sing, that certainly is a plus kindergarten.
Sociable and moving the children will be like going to kindergarten, he will be useful to those who will soon go to school.
Plus of kindergarten is also the fact that the child is learning to communicate with different people, to overcome their shyness and defend their opinion. This will greatly help them in school and in adult life.
If a child is spoiled and the only one in the family, the kindergarten would benefit. There will be no mother and baby will understand that it is not "navel of the earth"
And because the kindergarten teachers there, the child learns to obey adults, which again it is useful in school.
Plus of kindergarten can be considered and the preparation of the child to school. With him involved in singing, dancing, drawing, children of the senior group are taught to read and count. In some kindergartens have a speech therapist.
Another plus kindergarten - a child who is educated at home, can not compare their achievements with the achievements of their peers.
And in general, at home the child is such a rich experience with children and adults, as in kindergarten.
Cons kindergarten
First, you need to remember that home education is much better than raising a child in kindergarten. Mother will be laid first knowledge base for life. No matter how good a kindergarten, he can never replace the child family, and is a minus.
The children with whom duly doing at home, it is better developed and richer vocabulary - because they no longer communicate with adults. They'd rather read, think and write.
Parting with my mother and the house all day - a huge minus the stress and the kindergarten, because of the family gets a baby in an unfamiliar environment. This can lead to poor sleep, a denial of the child play with other children.
However, many children in a few days getting used to new conditions. The average time to adapt to kindergarten is in the nursery group 7-10 days, at the age of 3 years - from 10 days to 2-3 weeks, in the high school age - 1 month.
Perhaps one of the main disadvantages of the kindergarten are frequent illness baby. We must be ready for that first few months of a child is ill, and his mother - is on sick leave. After all, if large numbers of children to pick up a cough or runny nose is very simple.
In addition, the kindergarten child can get a smattering of obscenities
Big minus kindergarten - an opportunity to get to a bad instructor, who can treat the child roughly, shouting at him, to punish at all, to shame.
In general, a child who attends kindergarten, you need to pay even more attention, affection and love than a child sitting at home with his grandmother. Weekend necessarily need to be together, play, talk, read a child a fairy tale. It is important that the baby rested on the collective children.
According to psychologists, to 2-3 years old child does not feel the need to communicate with peers. But in this period, the child strongly attached to his mother and relatives. Therefore, if the child to give the garden up to 3 years old, he will suffer because of separation from the mother, crying and miserable. It is better to give the child in kindergarten in 3-4 years when the baby is ready to adapt to the new team.
My husband and I decided to give their baby closer to 4 years, when he will be able to tell how spent the day, what they do and how to behave teacher.
Now you know the pros and cons of kindergarten will be easier to decide!
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