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During long trips dangerous deep venous thrombosis. When a person is in a position of 1,5 - 2 hours, in the veins begin to form blood clots, and this is very dangerous for health. Often try to warm up, walk up and down, if possible. Shoes should be free to not compressed by the blood vessels and has not violated krovoobraschenie.Esli you are flying a plane and you have a problem with his heart during the flight drink tea and mineral water without gas every hour. Use as often as possible with wet wipes, and that neck is not numb during a long flight, put under his head air bags.
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If you will be transported into another time zone, try to advance to prepare your body. Before trip enough sleep! Try to arrive at a place of rest in the evening, no later than 23.00. Do not sleep on the day of rest, otherwise the adaptation may be delayed.
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Mode Occupation: run five campaigns, consisting of 12 repetitions of each exercise. 3.4 Desirable: training a week. Good luck!
For hardworking offer two simplest and most effective exercises for the muscles Presa. Adhere described in this article, treatment sessions, and get ready to take in waist trousers and skirts.
Begin lesson with a good warm-up. Warm-up will increase heart rate, and hence, the occupation would be more productive. The best way to warm up muscles before classes on a treadmill, starting with a light running speed of 5 km / h. After running 3 minutes, switch the speed to 7,5 km / h and continue to run another 5 minutes. The result should be a slow warm up pace, so back to the speed of 5 km / h, and a minute later include 3,5 km / h. Replace the treadmill walking can be low-intensity aerobics.
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The first run for the rectus abdominis muscle.
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Sit on the edge of bench, legs straight and heels touching the floor. Hands holding on to the bench.
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A more complex version of the same exercises performed on a dais to the hull in the process of implementation fell below. But at the same time you will need help. Or someone who will have to keep your feet, pressing the shank and always knees, or it can perform on the simulator in the gym, which usually do exercises for the back - hyperextension.
Mode Occupation: run five campaigns, consisting of 12 repetitions of each exercise. 3.4 Desirable: training a week. Good luck!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
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7. Too intoxicating. That's me about the perfume. It is better not smell anything. If you can not - then at least something daily. And never spray perfume on themselves directly in front of the door recruiter. And anyway, if you will, that the conversation lasted the allotted time, then make sure that the person is not a headache before you leave and he will put your profile in a pile of "consideration".
8. Too openly. "So why did you quit?" - Again insists your interlocutor. "I can not keep silent! Chief was too incompetent, I struggled as best she could ... "Stop, stop, stop, next you can not continue, you have failed. What do they know about you all? Pioneers-heroes and fighters for justice, too, in the past. Fair should be, but not to answer any questions - this is also right and legitimate. You do not have the investigator and subscriptions were not given.
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9. Too apologetic, too thanking. Starting a sentence with "excuse me" and end the same - it means do not just apologize, and get bored before the time his apology. "You brought a summary? - Yes, sorry. "You have filled in a questionnaire - yes, thank you." "Wait for the door - Thank you, sorry". I do not bother? Who came: a valuable employee or insecure schoolgirl?
10. Too talented. Unfortunately, this requires only one place: on the transfer of "Hello! We are looking for talents ", or whatever it's called now? "And I'm still on the harmonica can. You play? ". Exaggeration, of course. But the abundance of talent is daunting, creates distrust, and sometimes envy, often feeling that people come to the wrong address. Keep your gypsy exit, ragged successes and mezzo soprano with him. For the time being at least.
1. Too naked. Even if the heat under thirty, it does not matter: pantyhose, no tops, looking out of black clothes, white blouse, closed the abdomen. Of course, if you do not try to strip-club dancer. In all other cases - at least a minimum of clothing.
2. Too dressed. It is not only about a thousand sweaters that deface any girl. Tuxedo, evening gown, an abundance of jewelry, hat, fur - only good when you woos or want to be robbed. Girl in chains or in a designer gown of Bartenev not work even as a fashion consultant.
3. Too nervous. Wet hands have brought not just one girl. And also the eternal spinning in the hands of pens, rings, watches, doing up, undoing buttons and stumbling over words. Excitement - a good thing, but not talking, and shall bring himself to a nervous tic.
4. Too emancipation. One word can ruin everything you have previous half-hour talking with recruiters. "His fellow" - this is not the way to which we should strive to be assessed. The girl, familiarly passed on to "you", sitting legs crossed, who asked perevedshaya tea and conversation to his theme, will not cause interest even in a very friendly oriented person.
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7. Too intoxicating. That's me about the perfume. It is better not smell anything. If you can not - then at least something daily. And never spray perfume on themselves directly in front of the door recruiter. And anyway, if you will, that the conversation lasted the allotted time, then make sure that the person is not a headache before you leave and he will put your profile in a pile of "consideration".
8. Too openly. "So why did you quit?" - Again insists your interlocutor. "I can not keep silent! Chief was too incompetent, I struggled as best she could ... "Stop, stop, stop, next you can not continue, you have failed. What do they know about you all? Pioneers-heroes and fighters for justice, too, in the past. Fair should be, but not to answer any questions - this is also right and legitimate. You do not have the investigator and subscriptions were not given.
House decide in advance which questions you are not going to answer, and then you lie and do not have to. Just honestly say that you can not answer. And why - let themselves think.
9. Too apologetic, too thanking. Starting a sentence with "excuse me" and end the same - it means do not just apologize, and get bored before the time his apology. "You brought a summary? - Yes, sorry. "You have filled in a questionnaire - yes, thank you." "Wait for the door - Thank you, sorry". I do not bother? Who came: a valuable employee or insecure schoolgirl?
10. Too talented. Unfortunately, this requires only one place: on the transfer of "Hello! We are looking for talents ", or whatever it's called now? "And I'm still on the harmonica can. You play? ". Exaggeration, of course. But the abundance of talent is daunting, creates distrust, and sometimes envy, often feeling that people come to the wrong address. Keep your gypsy exit, ragged successes and mezzo soprano with him. For the time being at least.
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